Why blogging?

Yes, I am joining the world of blogging. This fills me with many emotions. At times it’s anxiety…. when am I going to find time to do this….how will I create something new, and to write, this word alone is filled with fear? Writing is unfortunately not a gift I was given. In high school, my english teacher basically insinuated that I cheated on my grammar tests. He no longer had new tests to give me because I failed all the previous ones. So, with that being said, please forgive the grammar errors and mishaps in my sentences. As we all know the best way to conquer your fears is to take them head on. I am hoping this blog will help dissolve that fear. One gift I do have is the ablility to visualize the unvisible. With that being said this blog is going to have lots and lots of photos. After all pictures are the inspiration of the imagination interpreted. So even though there is anxiety there is much anticipated exitement. This is a world with new friends to meet, new ideas to create and share, and inspirations waiting to be made. This blog is also a large cork board for me to post my threads of creativity. What will I be blogging about? My travels, amazing food creations, cocktails I love, people I can’t live without, color, color, color, (I can’t ever have enough of color) design trends, new projects we are working on, events, people that improve our lives everyday!!!! And the list can go on and on. So please come back and see where life is taking us today. As well as I would love to here what inpires you.

Further Reading