Our Friends at New Avenue

Crimson Design is always on the lookout for local and outstanding talent. I recently had the privilege of meeting some great guys who are blazing trails in the architect and engineering world. Not only are they committed to what they do, they are fun to be around.
I (Luis) had the opportunity to sit down with two of the four principalsto ask them a few questions about their work and life. It’s always a good time when talking with these guys. It’s an honor to introduce you to Michael j. Maistros and Brent Racer.
CD: Tell me a little of what you do.
Brent: I’m one of four partners at the firm. Everyone here has their specialty but there is some crossover. My backround is more on the commercial side but do a little residentail too. My role will range from design concepts to construction administration, from zoneing meetings to design renderings, constuction drawings and detailing.
Michael:I’m split between commercial and residential. My backround was in multi-famiily residence and in healthcare facility projects. My role deals mostly with the front end of the design process.
CD: Would you say you are designer first and architect second?
Michael: I will do just about anything in the office that needs to get done, but overall work in the design side of things. I’m trying to increase our percentage of commercial work. I enjoy doing single family houses but look forward to growing beyond that.
CD: What is fun about your job?
Brent: The fun part is knowing that you’re helping to create great spaces.
Michael: The fun part for me is seeing my own work in the final product.
CD: What inspires you?
Brent: in regards to work? Gettinga reaction from the public, especially about projects I’ve done.
Michael: What inspires me is the aesthetics, porportions and details of architecture.
CD: OK, now for some less serious questions. Do you have any hobbies?
Brent: Yes, some of us in the office like to golf. I’ve done a few 1/2 marathons and want to do a full one this year.
CD: If there would be one thing that you could change what would it be?
Brent: in the world?…..the economy. In my life, (laughing) to be musically inclined.
CD: If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be?
Brent: Wow, for sure back to Europe! I totally enjoy soaking up the culture there. It’s great to be around architecture that dates back hundreds or thousands of years.
CD: What kind of music do you like or what do you find yourself listening to?
Brent: Man, that’s hard to say. It’s all over the board. It goes from Yo Yo Ma to Eminem.
CD: Is there a band that you would tell everyone to listen to?
Bent: Oh yes, the Airborne Toxic Event. Great music.
CD: Do You have any parting words of wisdom?
Brent: Push the boundaries and pay attention to details!
——Crimson Design wants to thank all of the guys at New Avenue architects and engineers for their time. We look forward to see what new projects New Avenue will be working on in the future! They are very talented, professional and overall have great character. If you want to know a little more about them and their firm you can go their website: http://www.new-avenue.net/newavenue-team.html
Below are some pics/renderings of some of their projects.

Further Reading