Why We Love Using Plants in Design, and You Should Too

It’s National Indoor Plant Week and of course we love to incorporate living pieces into our design. It should be no secret by now, that plants in workplaces have been proven to increase happiness and productivity.Dr. Chris Knight from Exeter University and his fellow psychologists, who have been studying the issue for 10 years, concluded that employees were 15% more productive when “lean” workplaces are filled with just a few houseplants, as employees who actively engage with their surroundings are better workers.In an eight-month study, a Texas A&M University research team explored the link between flowers and plants and productivity. Participants were given creative problem-solving tests in a variety of office environments. The conditions included a workspace with flowers and plants, a setting with a sculpture and an area with no decorative embellishments.During the study, both men and women demonstrated more innovative thinking, generating more ideas and original solutions to problems in the office environment that included flowers and plants.And of course, there is research that shows plants clean the air; whether you are at home or at the office.So, how do we like to incorporate plants into our design?

We believe that every room’s design should incorporate a living aspect,and plants do just that. Plants bring warmth and life, making a space come alive. Adding a plant or tree immediately brings the outside in and makes any room feel fresh, vibrant and welcoming. Artfully displayed plants will not only enhance the room but also make it healthier. We all benefit from connecting with nature.We’ve had clients worry about keeping plants alive, so even if we must use an artificial plant in our design, it still provides the illusion of life and vibrancy. Another easy option is to opt for succulents or air plants. They are extremely low maintenance and finding a fun and vibrant container for your new plant is a way to further accessorize your space.The next time you are looking for a way to enhance a space, check out your local garden center. They can help you find the best plant for your needs, as well as help you find a great container. It’s a minimal investment that reaps many benefits! 

Further Reading