
Tips + Tricks for Shopping our Designer Warehouse Sale!

Crimson is so excited to host our Designer Warehouse Sale once again on Friday, December 1st, right here at our studio in Grandview. We welcome all who appreciate home goods and love a sale! But before you come to the event, be sure to read our expert tips on how to have a successful shopping spree! 

  1. Be sure to measure your spaces prior to the sale. Add your specs to your notes app in your phone for easy accessibility.
  2. Take pictures of your rooms before coming to the event. Pictures make it easy for us to give you advice and it is easy for you to reference before buying a piece.
  3. Bring color or fabric swatches in that you want to design off of. If you don’t have these laying around, head to a hardware or paint store to gather a few samples.
  4. Bring a tape measure. You want to be sure that your new treasure will fit!
  5. Create a Pinterest board(s) for inspiration and so that we are able to help you as well. Check us out on Pinterest to find inspiration too!
  6. Be sure to leave room in your car for any fun purchases that you decide on. No man left behind!

See you there! Get your ticket here.

Further Reading